On Divine Protection (English Version)

In every step I take, I live in divine protection – unless I decide, by exercising my free will, to exempt and separate myself from it.

God or consciousness is the only power that can really create anything.

This is because all that is is God and nothing exists outside of God. All is one.

The process of creation works by visualising what is desired in the consciousness and maintaining what is visualised (belief) internally.

The mind is an emanation of consciousness and its function is the creation of experience.

Creation exists on several levels. There is a divine plane and a divine mind and a human plane and a human mind.

The connecting point between the two worlds is the human (spiritual) heart and human intuition.

Free will

A very small part of the divine spirit is in man and a very large part is directly with God.

The large part (God) does not force the individual soul to agree to His plan of creation.

This freedom of choice whether to be guided by consciousness (God) or unconsciousness (identification with form) in one’s thinking, acting and feeling is called free will.

The soul always has the choice, at countless decision points in life, whether to give its attention (energy) to God’s light-filled plan or to the dark plan of darkness.


If the human being is in harmony with the whole (God) inwardly and outwardly with his or her own divine consciousness and allows his or her thinking, feeling and acting to be guided by the voice of God, then he or she is connected to God.

To be connected means to perform an action through pure love and truth and through the inner feeling of oneness with God (spirit).

It means to become a channel, a vessel for the divine spirit so that this power can work through us.

To be connected means to perform an action with consciousness (awake), i.e. to be truly creative.


The power of God

God is the only real life there is. Consciousness is the flame without which nothing can be and which can draw everything created back into itself (into emptiness) – like a temporary dream.

Everything that exists exists out of God . Even darkness  cannot exist apart from God. Everything is ONE, everything is non-dual one.

Thoughts that are charged with consciousness are creative and have the power and conscious will of God in them.

Everything from which consciousness turns away, which no longer receives energy (attention), must inevitably dissolve completely and disappear again into the void. For God is eternally uncreated, eternally unchangeable and always untouched by the world, which is only a dream consisting of thoughts.

That which God really wants, that which God thinks, WILL BE.

God is the eternal flame, the creator of the universe, that is you in your true form (Tat Tvam Asi / „You are that“).

Darkness cannot really create anything new, because darkness IS already the created. Those who co-create with darkness on a human level are only repeating.

Darkness has no life of its own, it owes its existence to the will of God to maintain the play of life, which we know as duality. Everything that is in duality can only exist if there is also an opposite, which defines what is created.

Darkness has no power to stop the creation of light, that means that things come into being through the cooperation of human divine consciousness and divine spirit. These things are truly charged with creative power. They are truly consciously created and willed.


The Divine Protection

Therefore know, human being, that if you truly carry God in your heart, you will always be protected and sheltered on your paths.

If you act in harmony with God, you act in the sense of the whole universe, then the „force is with you“. No worldly or spiritual force can prevent the things that God wants to create in harmony with you from happening.

The only way to get off the path is to actively not allow God and not allow the inner connection of your higher self with your lower self by exercising your free will. Therefore, check yourself carefully which voice you follow in life: Love (i.e. connection) or Fear (i.e. detachment), dear human being.

On our way through life, it can happen that one day one falls off one’s centre and no longer follows the light of consciousness and the voice of the heart.

This is not a catastrophe either, because the divine light will always make an effort to offer you a solution in order to create in harmony with you again.


When you have gained enough experience, you will eventually realise that God always has the best solution for you and that there is also no separation between you and God and everything that is.

The moment you are inwardly so far, you will come to voluntarily let your own will flow completely and forever into the will of creation.

Then all suffering will fall away from you forever and your tears will be dried and you will exist in joy. You will have overcome this world of duality, for it was only a school on your path to true creatorship.

From this day forward you will be safe and secure in God and your life will be a walk on a golden road in the glory of eternity!

Über Damodar (admin)

Das Erschaffen einer neuen Erde ist untrennbar mit dem Gehen des spirituellen Weges verbunden. Eine neue Erde kann ohne das andere nicht sein. Wenn ich mich bereit erkläre, mein ganzes Leben der Suche nach meiner wahren Identität zu unterstellen, erfahre ich mich selbst als eins mit dem unbegrenzten, ewigen und glückseligen Bewusstsein, das wir Gott nennen. Durch den Kontakt und letztlich das Verschmelzen mit Gott wird unser wahres und ganzes Potential verwirklicht - die Erfüllung unserer Seele. Wir bestimmen stets selbst durch jede einzelne unserer Entscheidungen im Leben, ob wir der Angst oder der Liebe Raum in uns geben. Angst entfernt uns dabei immer mehr von dem Paradies in uns, während Liebe uns immer näher an Gott annähert. Wer jedoch immer der Liebe folgt, ohne abzuweichen, kommt am Ende bei Gott selbst an. Auf unserem Weg zu uns selbst gilt dabei immer der kosmische Grundsatz: "Wie innen, so außen". Daran können wir überprüfen, wie nahe wir Gott schon sind. Die paradiese Erfüllung, die unser wahres Selbst ist, kann es nur dann geben, wenn wir auch das Paradies in uns befreien. Das Gute daran ist: Es ist schon da, wir sind bereits eins mit Gott, wir müssen es nur wieder erkennen (das ist Weisheit) und folgend auf diese Erkenntnis die Unschuld, Reinheit und die Liebe unseres Herzens zulassen (das ist Liebe). Die Texte auf dieser Homepage wurden von mir verfasst und spiegeln meine rein persönliche Ansicht und Meinung wieder. E-Mail: damodar@erde-und-geist.de, webmaster@erde-und-geist.de
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